09Sep 21

How TikTokers Are Changing The World

It can take just 15 seconds to demonstrate a makeup routine, call out injustice or critique authoritarian governments, and Zoomers are embracing all with the same gusto.

28Apr 21
The Tyranny Of Sameness

The Case For A Thought Rebellion

Living in an echo chamber is limiting, divisive and dangerous. Only by venturing into the less palatable can we truly begin to have meaningful conversations and shift the needle.

18Sep 20
new normal

Why Zoom Can’t Save the World

Research suggests that moving brains to share knowhow will be just as crucial in the post-Covid-19 world as it was before — and that the consequences of shutting down business travel will be long-lived.

05Mar 20
It's Time

Wanted: More Women On Top

Females in Singapore are still underrepresented in the higher ranks of the industries they are in. Here are some ways to level the playing field for greater gender equality.